Chat Presentation Resources

Adding a chat channel for employees to receive help resolves common issues and leverages existing MS Teams, SharePoint, and corporate applications - such as ticketing and training material.

Our chat application is easy to deploy (using Microsoft Teams Store), provides a simple FAQ system, supports full ChatGPT conversions, and can route chat requests to service desk agents anywhere in the world.

We have developed an awesome enterprise chat application. The following content describes the benefits, architecture, chat flow, and other information that you can view and share with your team. Start with a simple FAQ lookup service, quickly solve employee questions, and enhance with ticketing integration, routing to agents, and full ChatGPT support.

Presentations and Useful Content

Chime V5 SaaS Release Product Presentation

PowerPoint presentation covering features, high-level SAAS architecture of Chime, the CMS structure, updates to chat and self-service, and 3rd party ticketing services we are integrating with.

Architecture and Application Stack

Chime V5 Architecture Diagram

Here is a simple architecture diagram conveying the services Chime is built on, what Microsoft Azure services are being used, and any additional 3rd party services we integrate with.

Microsoft Teams Store

Find Chime V5 on Microsoft AppSource and install for Microsoft Teams.

Chime V5 AI Overview Presentation

PowerPoint specifically covering AI features introduced in Chime V5, how the Azure OpenAI integration works, and covers data security for bring your own data when creating an AI index.

Chime V5 Stack Diagram

Useful stack diagram that conveys how the Chime V5 stack works within the application as well as what services or features Chime has access to throughout the lifecycle of a chat session.

Chime V5 Chat Flow

Session flow diagram that covers the different features available to different subsets of the Chime V5 system. This covers Chat Workflow, AI Services, CMS Features, and Agent Tools.

Proof of Concept (POC) Roadmap for Enterprise Chat Rollout

Here are some resources that are helpful to plan out timelines on getting a simple POC environment stood up for Chime V5 and deployed for some test users. Typically, we see a short setup and POC taking about 3/4 weeks. For larger customized deployments we would likely want to create a custom onboarding plan for tailoring the chat workflow for your specific use-cases.

Chime V5 Onboarding Plan using Short POC - Box download (PDF)

Chime V5 Onboarding Plan using Short POC - Box download (Excel)

For more information on POC setup and technical documentation, check out our pages - Enterprise Chatbot POC Roadmap and Enterprise Chatbot Technical Onboarding Documentation

Additional Technical Resources

Graph API permissions needed to enable Azure AD/Entra login for Chime V5

How to have a Teams Admin push the Chime V5 app to pilot groups or org-wide

Microsoft: Use app permission policies to control user access to apps >>

Microsoft: Use app setup policies to pin and auto install apps for users >>

Microsoft: Assign policies to users and groups >>

How to Access the Chime V5 Teams App

Microsoft AppSource

Get our SaaS offering on Microsoft AppSource.

Microsoft Marketplace

Get our SaaS offering on Microsoft Marketplace.

Testing Plans

Here are some resources for testing Chime once a POC is stood up

Chime V5 Standard Test Plan - Box download (PDF)

Chime V5 Standard Test Plan - Box download (Excel)

Release Build PowerPoint Presentations

Here are our collection of PowerPoint presentations with information about latest updates by build.

Build 2467 - September 12, 2024 - Box download (PPT)

Build 2448 - September 9, 2024 - Box download (PPT)

Build 2443 - September 6, 2024 - Box download (PPT)

Build 2430 - September 3, 2024 - Box download (PPT)

Build 2419 - August 28, 2024 - Box download (PPT)

Build 2396 - August 21, 2024 - Box download (PPT)

Build 2371 - August 15, 2024 - Box download (PPT)

Build 2361 - August 13, 2024 - Box download (PPT)

Build 2349 - August 6, 2024 - Box download (PPT)

Build 2341 - August 1, 2024 - Box download (PPT)

Build 2335 - July 30, 2024 - Box download (PPT)

Build 2304 - July 24, 2024 - Box download (PPT)

Build 2297 - July 23, 2024 - Box download (PPT)

Build 2292 - July 18, 2024 - Box download (PPT)

Build 2289 - July 16, 2024 - Box download (PPT)

Build 2286 - July 11, 2024 - Box download (PPT)

Build 2277 - July 8, 2024 - Box download (PPT)

Build 2265 - June 26, 2024 - Box download (PPT)