Session.EndedUtc |
Date and time that the chat session ended in UTC timezone |
01/04/2024 17:42:47 |
Session.ChatID |
Directline Chat ID for the current session |
8bVNRWxnMRvFBiUj7VhFAB-us |
Session.State |
State name that the chat session is in |
Completed |
Session.Status.IsResolved |
Boolean for if the chat session was resolved or not |
True |
Session.Status.ResolutionNotes |
Can be used to provide notes about the chat resolution by the pipeline or by Agents after the chat ended |
Guest was able to use ChatGPT assist to answer their questions and resolve this chat |
Session.Status.ResolvedByAgentId |
Agent Id for agent that resolved the chat session |
47ab169g1vp5hzm09914stk55g |
Session.Status.ResolvedByAgentName |
Lists out the name/names of Agents that were in the chat when it was resolved |
John Doe, Jane Doe |
Session.Status.ResolvedByType |
Describes which Pipeline Item the chat was at when it was resolved |
Agent, ChatGPT, AI Assist |
Session.WasConnectedWithAgent |
Boolean for if the Guest was connected to an Agent in the chat session |
true |
Session.deflected |
Boolean for if the chat session was deflected |
True |
Session.deflectedBy |
Describes which Pipeline Item the chat was at when it deflected |
FAQ Lookup |
Session.SessionId |
Chime's internal Session ID for the chat session |
3b810491-a2d3-4a2a-95e9-fc75e7107819 |
Session.StartedUtc |
Date and time that the chat session started in UTC timezone |
05/27/2022 133429 |
Session.ReferrerUrl |
If the chat was started from webclient, this is the URL of the page it came from | |
Session.EntryPoint |
Method the Guest used to start the chat session, Teams or Webclient |
Webclient |
Session.CurrentPipelineStage.Name |
Name of the Pipeline Item that the chat session is on currently |
connectToAgent |
Session.CurrentPipelineStage.Type |
Type of Pipeline Item that the chat session is on |
ConnectedToAgentState |
Session.PipelinePath |
List of JSON objects that cover each Pipeline Item the chat has routed through |
[ { "ToState": "welcomeMessage", "ToStateType": "SendCardState", "FromState": "StartChat", "Timestamp": "2024-01-04T18:18:11.3745466+00:00" }, { "ToState": "connectToAgent", "ToStateType": "ConnectedToAgentState", "FromState": "welcomeMessage", "FromStateType": "SendCardState", "Timestamp": "2024-01-04T18:19:11.3745508+00:00" }] |
Session.SkillTags |
Comma seperated list of any Skill Tags that are linked to the chat session |
Office365, Email |
Session.SkillTagList |
List format of any Skill Tags that are linked to the chat session |
[ "Office365", "Email" ] |
Session.PickChatUrl |
URL the Agent can use to pick/accept the chat session | |
Session.IsConnectedToAgent |
Dynamic boolean for if the Guest is connected with one or more Agents |
true |
Session.IsWaiting |
Dynamic boolean for if the Guest is currently in the "Conect to Agent" Pipeline Item and waiting for an Agent to accept their chat session |
false |
Session.StartedWaitingAt |
Date and time the chat session went into the Waiting state (Guest is routing to an Agent) |
2024-01-04T18:20:05.1769764+0000 |
Session.ConnectedToAgentAt |
Date and time the chat session went into the Connected state (Agent picked up Guest's chat) |
2024-01-04T18:20:11.3769773+0000 |
Session.WaitTime |
The current ammount of time the chat session has been in the Waiting state (JSON object) |
{ "String": "0:00:06.2", "Seconds": 6, "Minutes": 0, "TotalSeconds": 6.2, "TotalMinutes": 0.10333333333333333 } |
Session.WaitTime.String |
Wait time as a string |
0:00:06.2 |
Session.WaitTime.Seconds |
Number of seconds the chat has been waiting (not total seconds) |
6 |
Session.WaitTime.Minutes |
Number of minutes the chat has been waiting |
0 |
Session.WaitTime.TotalSeconds |
Total number(decimal) of seconds the chat session has been waiting |
6.2 |
Session.WaitTime.TotalMinutes |
Total number(decimal) of minutes the chat session has been waiting |
0.10333333333333333 |
Session.ConnectedTime |
The current ammount of time the chat session has been connected to an Agent (JSON object) |
{ "String": "0:03:42", "Seconds": 42, "Minutes": 3, "TotalSeconds": 222, "TotalMinutes": 3.7 } |
Session.ConnectedTime.String |
Connected time as a string |
0:03:42 |
Session.ConnectedTime.Seconds |
Number of seconds the chat has been connected (not total seconds) |
42 |
Session.ConnectedTime.Minutes |
Number of minuntes the chat has been connected |
3 |
Session.ConnectedTime.TotalSeconds |
Total number(decimal) of seconds the chat session has been connected |
222 |
Session.ConnectedTime.TotalMinutes |
Total number(decimal) of minutes the chat session has been connected |
3.7 |
Session.AverageWaitTime |
The average wait time of all sessions over the last 24 hours [Total wait time / number of sessions] (JSON object) |
{ "String": "0:01:11", "Seconds": 11, "Minutes": 1, "TotalSeconds": 71, "TotalMinutes": 1.1833333333333333 } |
Session.AverageWaitTime.String |
Average wait time as a string |
0:01:11 |
Session.AverageWaitTime.Seconds |
Number of seconds for the chats average wait time (not total seconds) |
11 |
Session.AverageWaitTime.Minutes |
Number of minutes for the chats average wait time |
1 |
Session.AverageWaitTime.TotalSeconds |
Total number(decimal) of seconds for the chats average wait time |
71 |
Session.AverageWaitTime.TotalMinutes |
Total number(decimal) of minutes for the chats average wait time |
1.1833333333333333 |
Session.AverageWaitTimeLastHour |
The average wait time of all sessions over the last hour [Total wait time / number of sessions] (JSON object) |
{ "String": "0:01:14", "Seconds": 14, "Minutes": 1, "TotalSeconds": 74, "TotalMinutes": 1.2333333333333334 } |
Session.AverageWaitTimeLastHour.String |
Average wait time from the last hour as a string |
0:01:14 |
Session.AverageWaitTimeLastHour.Seconds |
Number of seconds for the chats average wait time from the last hour (not total seconds) |
14 |
Session.AverageWaitTimeLastHour.Minutes |
Number of minutes for the chats average wait time from the last hour |
1 |
Session.AverageWaitTimeLastHour.TotalSeconds |
Total number(decimal) of seconds for the chats average wait time from the last hour |
74 |
Session.AverageWaitTimeLastHour.TotalMinutes |
Total number(decimal) of minutes for the chats average wait time from the last hour |
1.2333333333333334 |
Session.ExpectedWaitTime |
How much longer the Guest is expected to wait [AverageWaitTime - WaitTime] (JSON object) |
{ "String": "0:01:04.8", "Seconds": 4, "Minutes": 1, "TotalSeconds": 64.8, "TotalMinutes": 1.08 } |
Session.ExpectedWaitTime.String |
Expected wait time as a string |
0:01:04.8 |
Session.ExpectedWaitTime.Seconds |
Number of seconds the chat is expected to wait (not total seconds) |
4 |
Session.ExpectedWaitTime.Minutes |
Number of minutes the chat is expected to wait |
1 |
Session.ExpectedWaitTime.TotalSeconds |
Total number(decimal) of seconds the chat is expected to wait |
64.8 |
Session.ExpectedWaitTime.TotalMinutes |
Total number(decimal) of minuntes the chat is expected to wait |
1.08 |
Session.ExpectedWaitTimeLastHour |
How much longer the Guest is expected to wait [AverageWaitTimeLastHour - WaitTime] (JSON object) |
{ "String": "0:01:07.8", "Seconds": 7, "Minutes": 1, "TotalSeconds": 67.8, "TotalMinutes": 1.13 } |
Session.ExpectedWaitTimeLastHour.String |
Expected wait time from the last hour as a string |
0:01:07.8 |
Session.ExpectedWaitTimeLastHour.Seconds |
Number of seconds the chat is expected to wait from the last hour (not total seconds) |
7 |
Session.ExpectedWaitTimeLastHour.Minutes |
Number of minutes the chat is expected to wait from the last hour |
1 |
Session.ExpectedWaitTimeLastHour.TotalSeconds |
Total number(decimal) of seconds the chat is expected to wait from the last hour |
67.8 |
Session.ExpectedWaitTimeLastHour.TotalMinutes |
Total number(decimal) of minuntes the chat is expected to wait from the last hour |
1.13 |
Session.WaitMessageCount |
Number of wait messages that have been sent to the Guest while looking for an Agent |
2 |
Session.ConnectedAgents |
List of JSON objects for the Agents that connected to the chat session |
[ { "Name": "Jim Jones", "FirstName": "Jim", "LastName": "Jones", "Email": "", "Connected": "05/27/2022 13:34:56", "ID": "47ab169g1vp5hzm09914stk55g", "ProfileImageUrl": ""},{ "Name": "Carol Johnson", "FirstName": "Carol", "LastName": "Johnson", "Email": "", "Connected": "05/27/2022 13:37:56", "ID": "47ab169g1vp5hzm09914stk44g", "ProfileImageUrl": ""} ] |
Session.NumberOfConnectedAgents |
The number of Agents currently connected to the chat session |
2 |
Session.AvailableAgentCount |
The number of Agents who are currently online and able to accept the chat session |
3 |
Session.WaitingGuestCount |
The number of Guests who are currently waiting for an Agent to accept their chat session |
4 |
Session.PositionInQueue |
The position in queue that the current chat session is in (how many Guests will get connected to an Agent before this Guests chat session) |
1 |