How to Update the Install Welcome Message for the Teams App
Customize Or Disable Your Welcome Message
This guide will cover how a Teams Admin can configure what message an end user sees when Chime V5 is installed on their Teams Client. The default message is a general welcome message to Chime, but you will likely want to update it to fit the branding and feel of your Chime use case. Additionally, you also have the option to disable this message so users are not messaged by the app until they choose to use if for the first time.
Navigate to the Admin Dashboard, then Chime Settings and Tenant Settings.
Click on the Chat Commands and Events tab.
For the Install Welcome Message option, choose if you want this to be enabled or disabled using the setting Disable Welcome Message.
If you want to update the message, click on the Editor tab, then Pop out card Editor option.
In the editor, click on the text in the middle to select it.
On the right-side of the editor, there will be Element Properties that show up, under the Text option, you should be able to edit any of the existing text to suit your Chime use-case. If you would like to add any additional elements here are some Adaptive Card samples that can help with learning how to use them Adaptive Card Samples and Templates.
Once you are done updating the card, click Save Card.
When if prompts you to close the card designer, click OK.
Back on the Chime Admin area, click the Save button in the bottom left.
Here is an example of what this welcome message will look like by default in the Chime Teams app.